The Best Pizza in Town!

819-623-2597 | 819-623-2598 | 873-736-6688

Closed from June 24 to July 7 inclusive.


Want to place an order?
Quick reply at 819-623-2597 / 819-623-2598

Place Mont-Laurier Pizzéria is renowned for its mouth-watering pizzas.

A Vast Array of Pizzas

Specializing in Italian cuisine, we offer a wide range of dishes, including pizzas, pasta and side dishes.

Have a look at our menu and choose from our various specialties. Our team will gladly advise you and prepare the pizza you want.

Visit us whether for dine-in or take out. Our dining room can seat up to 160 people.

We serve a wide selection of pizzas.


Pizzeria Mont-Laurier

Over 50 years of experience

The Best Pizza in Town!

Family-owned restaurant Specializing in Italian, Greek and Canadian Cuisine
  • Pizzas for Dine-in or Home Delivery
  • Pasta and Side Dishes
  • Fish and Seafood
  • Sandwiches
  • Salads
Our Strengths
  • Know-how
  • Over 50 Years of Experience in the Food Service
  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Excellent Value for Money
Based in Mont-Laurier, we offer delivery services in :
  • Saint-Jean-sur-le-Lac
  • Lac-des-Écorces

Pizza Delivery

To better serve you, Place Mont-Laurier also offers pizza delivery service in Mont-Laurier, Saint-Jean-sur-le-Lac and Lac-des-Écorces. 

Place your order, and we’ll take care of the rest! We guarantee fast service.

You can rest assured your pizzas will still be hot when they reach your place. For your complete satisfaction, we provide high-quality service and only use fresh, premium ingredients.

Our pizzas are prepared from fresh, quality produce.


Pizzeria Lac-des-Écorces

Call us to place your order or to make a reservation.

Fill out the following form for more information about our menu.


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